Frederick County Office of Economic Development
The Frederick County Office of Economic Development serves as the primary contact for businesses to start, locate and expand. They assist in site selection, workforce recruitment and training, incentives, marketing and more. In 2022, Octavo Designs was tasked with updating the FCOED branding to position the organization as a passionate team of leaders who are ensuring the county is progressing into the future.

The Project
Some of the goals the FCOED wanted to accomplish with the rebrand was to be an economic pacesetting in the region and in the state, be the county that fosters innovation and prosperity in Maryland, to evoke a level of professionalism, sophistication, cohesion, and recognition, all while demonstrating progress. The new FCOED brandmark is a bold, progressive mark that showcases the Frederick County Office of Economic Development as the passionate advisor for Frederick County businesses and the community. It represents a streamlined and collaborative FCOED that empowers these bodies; provides business services to fit businesses’ unique needs; and how FCOED helps build and expand businesses, which in turn makes them an economic force in the state and region.
The Frederick County OED has a bold vision for the future. The brandmark features this vision through a stylized F with a forward/upward motion. The three lines that create the F represent the OED, the Government, and businesses showcasing how the OED is the translator and connector between the three entities. The lines also abstractly represent the buildings of Frederick County, the Spires, and the rows of agricultural fields. The curved red line acts as a bridge that ties the brandmark together. The logotype is built from the modern san serif typeface, Gotham, a clean, timeless typeface that complements and enforces the forward thinking brandmark.

As FCOED worked with Octavo to create a brand, Octavo created an elevated image that our entire team immediately loved and weaved input from all of our stakeholders so we knew as we lead up to the unveiling, the brand would be well received. Thank you Octavo for becoming part of our “Team Frederick” as we worked together to give a modern look to economic development as we both want to see Frederick County drive progress."
Helen Propheter, Executive Director, Frederick County Economic & Workforce Development