Illustration of a bee with a crown
Illustration of a bee with a crown

No Buzz Words


Just great design

Branding, Web Design, Package Design and Marketing Materials

A lot of shops out there love one-upping each other with fancy lingo, lofty philosophies, and overblown explanations of what they do and how they do it. Ad nauseam. Ad nauseous.

At Octavo Designs, we’d rather spend our time designing the hell out of stuff. The proof is in the pudding, folks. At least here it is.

Well Armed

With Happy

Penguin Illustration



Your brand is the heart and soul of you business. Octavo Designs can help you define and develop a powerful, consistent brand equity that will pay off in perceived value, customer loyalty and so much more.

Package Design

Will your customers reach for you product? With help from our experienced and knowledgeable design team, hell yeah!

Web Design & Development

We create stunning, high-performance websites that are completely custom built from scratch to fit your exact needs. We also make it easy for you to keep your content up-to-date and fresh.

Marketing Materials

From digital collateral like blogs and social media to everything printed, we can orchestrate all your campaigns and marketing efforts to assure your materials and message are on key.

Environmental Branding

⁤Environmental branding goes way beyond logos and signs. ⁤⁤It’s about bringing a businesses personality and message to life in the spaces we experience every day.

Illustration of a bunny rabbit

our work